Monday, November 13, 2006

The Pits!

My heart hurts! I hurt! I feel like if I move any one way my heart will break all over again!

Right now I want to know why after living in one town my whole life, I'm not content? Why do I want to turn and run as fast as I can?

I've been through all of my options, I've thought about what could be causing this, I've even asked the Lord if I am in sin!

I don't understand! I don't know if I want to understand! I don't know what is going on! What I do know is my heart hurts.....



At 11:26 AM , Blogger Kathryn, Michael and Alex said...

Oh my dear sweet Melissa,

You hit the nail on the head when you said that you have looked at all of your options.

There are no options.

You must be content in all circumstances (Phil 4:12)That can only come from Christ. Not where you live, who your friends are, what you are going to do when you graduate high school.

None of that will fulfill you and you will make yourself crazy trying to make it happen. You will constantly be looking for something better.

I know that you know the joy of the Lord. You are at a turning point in your life and satan will eat you alive if you take your eyes off the Lord for even one moment.

I love you sweet girl and I pray for you daily.

Stand firm in what you know that you know that you know!!!!

Please let me know if you want to talk.

Ms. Kathryn


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