Sunday, November 26, 2006

Worry Wart?

Are you a worry wart? Well the sermon at Living Hope was about a life of praise and prayer

and how the opposite can really mess you up! The skit was about a person who worrys and a person who dosen't! It really made me laugh because the past couple of day I have been worrying about not worrying!! How ironic is that? I have completely switched my way of thinking because I don't worry about my future, I don't worry about if I'm going to get married, If I'll ever finish school....What messed up thinking is that? In Jeremiah 29:11 he promises that we have a hope and a future! Well after many late nights with the Lord we straighened this out...

In my last post I was not content in the Lord because I had taken my eyes off of him! We also straightened that out! These past couple of day have been absolutly amazing! The Lord has blown me away with great he his, how big he is, how amazing he is, how crazy his soverignty is, just that he is God and I am not! Praise the Lord for that!

All I can say is Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord I tell myself. I will Praise the Lord as long as I live, I will sing praises to my God even with my dying breath! Psalm 146:1-2


Monday, November 13, 2006

The Pits!

My heart hurts! I hurt! I feel like if I move any one way my heart will break all over again!

Right now I want to know why after living in one town my whole life, I'm not content? Why do I want to turn and run as fast as I can?

I've been through all of my options, I've thought about what could be causing this, I've even asked the Lord if I am in sin!

I don't understand! I don't know if I want to understand! I don't know what is going on! What I do know is my heart hurts.....


Sunday, November 05, 2006

My New Favorite Poem!

The Moment of Indecision: I Squirm

It is like a crushing

Decide! Choose!

Pressing down and hard inside my lungs

In heavy-throbbing tremors

Decide-soon I’ll have to

Decide what follows the tassel-hat

The tassel-I- hate because

Parting sorrows are not sweet

They’re scary and these endings push me

Fast toward unmarked doors

And open futures, with open possibilities
Shifting as I squirm

And when I get to where I’m going

(and tell me where that is again?)

My question is, will I remain

Content to stay?

It is like a crushing

Decide! Choose!

And life is gonna knock soon

Wait a minute, let me dress

What do you want?

Emily Zee


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Speech in Speech Class!!

Well isn't the Title Ironic? ha! Well the other day in speech class I was giving a speech over how I oppose homosexual marriage! I was using the Bible as my reference and I was bringing it I was preaching it and going at it! Well after the speech was over we were supposed to have a two minute time for questions!! I felt like the entire class raised their hands!!

Well they grilled me for two minutes and after class I realized that everyone is now mad at me because I used Scripture to back up my speech! It was so crazy because people were actually pushing me out of the way so they could go first!! I was like Oh man WOAH!!!

Philippians 1:20-21 I eagerly expect and hope I will in no way be ashamed but have sufficent courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body whether by life or by death! For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain!

This made me sad because it was the first time I EVER have been persecuted for what I believe in! And I wasn't that bad....all that happened is I lost some friends!
